Our Sponsors
This research was supported in part at NRL's Center for High Assurance Computer
Systems (CHACS) by:
- Office of Naval Research
Basic R&D work in addition to support for the coding of all
generation systems (0,1, and 2).
Support for deployment of generation 2 (Tor) testbed and open source
- Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA),
- High Confidence Networking Program, and
- Fault Tolerant Networks Program
Support for system performance assessments and system improvements.
Support for robustness, survivability, traffic management, and
congestion control.
- NRL 6.2 Initiatives
General Onion Routing development,
Operation of the generations 0 and 1 Testbed Onion Routing Networks.
Design and development of Location Hidden Services.
Much of the generation 2 (Tor) work has been done at Moria Research Labs
under contract to NRL CHACS.
Since 2004, continued Tor development and deployment
at Moria Research Labs has also been supported from outside the US
government by the EFF.
Historical page reflecting onion-router.net as of 2005, not regularly